Back To School Time
It’s that time of year again when local residents are packing up their swimsuits and getting out their backpacks. We’ll all be shopping for school clothes and supplies in the mad rush to get prepared for the new school year.
It’s no secret that the change from lazy summer days to busy school days can be stressful.
Morning and evening routines can be stressful, especially as parents & kids try to get back into the swing of things and back to the hectic routine of rushing around trying to get the kids bathed, dressed in new school clothes and fed breakfast. The last thing anyone wants to deal with is plumbing problems.
With the entire family getting ready for school and work at once, your plumbing system needs to be prepared. This is not the time for back-ups, low water pressure, no hot water or a faucet leak.
The new school year also means that after-school activites begin again. Is your washing machine ready to handle all of the extra laundry from gym class and football practice? You will want to make sure you don’t have any leaks in your plumbing pipes and ensure that your water heater is up to the task each day.
For parents with grade school-aged kids, here are some tips to ensure smooth morning and evening routines:
• Create a shower schedule for your family in order to avoid everyone fighting over the bathroom at once. This will also help your family stick to a schedule in the mornings so you aren’t rushed and running late to school or work. Staggering bathing times between morning and evening hours help ensure optimal water temperature and pressure for everybody. Taking a shower at night could also help save money, since utility companies generally charge lower rates during off-peak hours. [2] Check your utlity company’s website for information on peak and off-peak hours.
• Make sure everyone gets a good night’s sleep. Taking a nighttime shower may help because body temperatures drop rapidly after a bath, which can help in falling asleep faster [1]
• About 80 percent of bathroom injuries are due to falls. [3] Use bath mats inside and out of the tub to help ensure a showering child doesn’t slip and fall.
For parents of college-bound kids, here are a few tips to help prepare them to become renters to save money on utility bills:
• Renters should inspect the actual apartment unit — as opposed to a model — for plumbing issues. Turn on the faucets and flush the toilets to help make sure the water is running properly and isn’t tinted brown [4].
• To help avoid moisture problems and help keep cooling costs down, control humidity in the bathroom by running a ventilating fan during and 15 minutes after showers and baths. [5]
• Always wash full loads of laundry. About 90 percent of the energy used for washing clothes is for heating the water, and full loads use less water per item. [6]
• Help save even more energy (and money) by washing all loads in cold water, use energy-efficiency settings, and upgrade to Energy Star machines, if possible. This could help save up to 50 percent on energy and water — about $110 every year. [7]
Call us today for a plumbing inspection that will help avoid future problems 843.236.7142.
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