Posts by amie
Freon / Refrigerant
R22 refrigerant will cease production in 2020. In its place is R410A, a refrigerant that’s being used in all newly installed air conditioners in the United States. The history of R410A refrigerant R410A refrigerant was developed by Allied Signal (now known as Honeywell) in 1991. Although its production still contributes to global warming, R410A does…
Read MoreGarbage Disposers
Most home kitchens these days aren’t complete without this little handy hidden appliance known only as a garbage disposal. Because a garbage disposal is such a helpful kitchen aid to use during food preparations such as composting the waster after peeling potatoes and salad preparation all the way to the clean up; the daunting talk…
Read MorePreventing Holiday Plumbing Emergencies
Any Holiday Season is a happy time! During the Holidays we enjoy visits from our friends and family. Here are a few simple tips to help keep your Holiday parties and pipes running smoothly: 1. Keep drains free of cooking oil and grease. Scrape food and grease from plates into the trash. Pour off cooking…
It’s difficult for most people to consider in today’s advanced society, but for most of history humans have not had the plumbing luxuries that allow us to heat, drink, bathe, cook and wash using clean potable water in the comfort of our own homes. Although advances such as aqueducts allowed the ancient Romans to move…
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